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happy birthday wishes sms
I know I’m little late, but I guess that I won’t be the last person to wish you a best belated birthday.
Even though I missed your birthday by a mile,
I hope you celebrated it with smile.
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I’m wishing you late so that your birthday celebration becomes longer than ever. Happy belated birthday.
Though my greeting is reaching little late, but I hope that it’ll bring plenty of happiness on your face. Happy belated birthday.
Good thing you are getting more patient the older you get. Happy belated birthday
My best wishes to you,
even though are belated.
I hope that you had a fantastic day with lots of colorful celebration. Have a happy belated birthday.
Silly me. I missed your birthday.
What was I thinking. Hope it was fun.
I may have forgotten your birthday,
but I didn’t forget about you!
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May be I forgot to wish you, but hope all your wishes come true in the coming days. Awesome belated birthday.
May be my greetings are late, but they are absolutely fresh. Happy belated birthday.
I forgot to wish you on your birthday, but lets have a late cheer to remind you that you had a birthday. Hope you had lots of fun.
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I forgot to wish you on your birthday, but lets have a late cheer to remind you that you had a birthday. Hope you had lots of fun.
Do you need a reason to celebrate a party? You can take the belated wishes on your birthday as a chance to enjoy yourself and have another blasting party.
Do you need a reason to celebrate a party?
You can take the belated wishes on your birthday as a chance to enjoy yourself and have another blasting party.
I need a time machine to tell you, happy birthday on time. Hope you enjoyed the party.
My best wishes to you, even though are belated.
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A belated birthday wish that your life will continue to be filled with the happiness you deserve.
Sorry, it wasn’t my fault. Time slipped to fast that I couldn’t arrange enough time to send you a wish on time.
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It always feels good to wish you a happy birthday whether it is on time or late. Hope you had fun.
Even though this message comes to you a little late, the wish it brings for happiness is good on any day date. Happy belated birthday.
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I’m sorry that I could not communicate with you on time to wish you happy birthday. Still, I’ve a chance to wish a happy belated bday.
Last week it seemed to me that your birthday is too far, but it went away too faster than I thought. Happy awesome birthday.
I was late in wishing you a happy birthday and you are also late in inviting me to your birthday party. Very best belated birthday.
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May you be gifted with life’s biggest joys and never-ending bliss. After all, you yourself are a gift to earth, so you deserve the best. Happy Belated Birthday!
You are like fine wine, getting much better with more time you are spending here on earth. Happy birthday.
My dear, I am so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you so much for sharing your life with me. Happy birthday.
I wish you to have a wonderful time on your Day!
This special day of yours is yet another opportunity for me to thank you for being such a wonderful friend to me. Happy Birthday.
happy birthday wishes sms
Times make you older, but I have never seen anything change in you, you still look like a man with whom I met years back.
Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new And in the end is not the year in your life that count, it’s the life in your year.
Your birthday is also mine to celebrate. Happy birthday dear. Lets have fun together today.
Your true friendship makes this world a better place to live in. I would never sacrifice our friendship for anything. Have an awesome birthday!
Thank you for illuminating my world with your light. May you have an eternity of joy and happiness. Happy birthday to you my special one.
Watching you grow as a person is such a good feeling. You always help the others in your life do the same. Happy Birthday to a great friend!
When nothing goes right,
I go to you. You’re my go-to person at every hour. Happy birthday.
You have been there for me no matter what. I love you,
my dear friend,
and I am so excited to share your special day with you.
Your birthday is going to be truly special.
A friend like you is more priceless than the most beautiful diamond. You are not only strong and wise, but kind and thoughtful as well. Your birthday is the perfect opportunity to show you much I care and how grateful I am to have you in my life.
A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are – even if you are getting older. Thank you for being that friend, and happy birthday.
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Happy birthday!! I hope your day is filled with lots of love and laughter! May all of your birthday wishes
To someone who touches each life you enter, spreading joy to everyone you meet: may the love and happiness you share with others return to you tenfold. I wish you many more happiest of birthdays!
For your birthday, I just want to say: I hope you can see how special you are to me. Happy birthday, my love!
I hope that your birthday is as much fun as you are, but that sets a very high standard.
On your special day, I wish you good luck. I hope this wonderful day will fill up your heart with joy and blessings.
Today is not just your special day, it is even mine. Because today was the day when my best friend came into this world. If it were not for today, my life wouldn’t have been half the fun it is. I owe so much to you. I love you buddy. Happy Birthday.
Congratulations on your birthday! Wishing you a truly fabulous day.
Wishing you a very special birthday and a wonderful year ahead!
Warmest wishes for a very happy birthday.
I hope your birthday is full of sunshine and rainbows and love and laughter! Sending many good wishes to you on your special day.
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day today and the year ahead is full of many blessings.
Wishing you a very happy birthday! May all your dreams come true.
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day and that the year ahead is full of fun and adventure.
Happy Birthday! Wishing you a beautiful day and many blessings for the year ahead.
May your birthday be sprinkled with fun and laughter. Have a great day!
Congratulations on your birthday! Sending you our love and good wishes.
Many happy returns to you on your birthday! We hope you have a wonderful day full of friends, family, and cake!
Happy Birthday wishes for Friends
A birthday is a great time to tell a friend how much they mean to you! Use these simple birthday message examples as a starting point, and personalize further to make your friend feel extra-loved on their birthday.
Happy Birthday! I’m so grateful for your friendship and all the fun times we’ve had together this year. Here’s to many more!
happy birthday wishes sms
Happy Birthday to such a fabulous friend! Wishing you many blessings for the year ahead.
happy birthday wishes sms
Happy Birthday to my crazy, fun, fabulous best friend! I love you to the moon and back and am so grateful for your friendship and all the fun times we’ve shared this year. I hope you have a great day!
Happy Birthday to my best buddy! I hope you have a good one.
Many happy returns on your birthday! I know this past year has had some tough times but I hope that the coming year brings you the good fortune you deserve. You’re a great friend and I am so thankful for your presence in my life.
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